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Ever Changing Layers by Shelly Hehenberger

Hiking this morning on the NC Botanical Gardens trail, I was reminded again how much inspiration I gather from spending time among the growing things of a forest. The more I let all my senses adjust to the slower speed of the trees and streams, the more I become aware of the incomprehensible variety that surrounds me. I try to…

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Reframe As A Square by Peg Bachenheimer

I have been trying to paint more abstractly and seem to always end up with a horizon line and a landscape based paining. So I had an idea based on something someone said in a class one time. We took a mat frame and found parts of paintings that could be stand alone paintings. So I decided to try this…

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CVA Artist of the Month: Luna Lee Ray

There is an interesting new article written in a Cary online rag about one of OCAG's own -- artist Luna Lee Ray, who was recently recognized as the CVA Artist of the month. The column describes her interest in art as a child, her travels to New Mexico and Hawaii, and her move to North Carolina. And it may surprise…

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TREE: A Community of Artists Explores the Meaning of Nature

TREE, written by Shelly Hehenberger and illustrated by artists local to the Chapel Hill area, is an all-ages picture book. The rich contrasts of style, medium, and content reflect the diversity of artists. Several of the artists are members of OCAG including Luna Lee Ray, Peg Bachenheimer, Jean LeCluyse, Chris Graebner, and Marcy Lansman. Two are new members: Shelly Hehenberger…

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My New Ceramic Studio by Judith Ernst

Judith's New Studio I can now do it all in my own studio! With a kiln that doubles as an H.G. Wells-style time machine, a large spray booth for glazing, and an air compressor that inspires envy among all the guys in the neighborhood, I’m ready to create bigger-better-more in the ceramic realm. Dubbed “The Judio” by my neighbor, Susie…

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The Perspective of Artists on Our 2011 Open Studio Tour

Jamie Hagenberger Photograms Hagerberger Photogram This year was my first year on the tour and it was amazing. Putting the house in "gallery mode" was a huge job, but well worth it. Welcoming the public into my home and sharing my work and my processes with them was an extremely satisfying and inspiring experience. Never have I felt so sure about my…

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The Magic and Mystery of Fusing Glass by Trudy Thomson

Glass is amorphous, meaning that "its molecules are not arranged in a regular, specific pattern -- like those of a crystalline material -- but are random in their configuration." (Bulleyes TechNotes4, 2007) And, unless you have worked with glass in a kiln, as flame work, or blown, you might not know how finicky glass can be. As glass moves through different stages…

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From Measuring Starlight to the Flair of Furniture Making by Jim Oleson

Those that wonder about the background of a custom furniture maker might be surprised to learn that furniture making is actually my third career. My first career was in physics; after receiving a Ph.D. in Physics at The Johns Hopkins University I did astrophysics research involving design and instrumentation of a specialized telescope on a mountaintop in Arizona. My second…

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