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Photo of marshgrass

Early this spring I came upon these marsh grasses and loved how they danced in the breezes along the path. I tend to look to nature for inspiration and these colors and sounds sparked my imagination into suggesting a new series of pieces inspired by acoustic guitar or bluegrass while the grasses inspired the colors.

Photo of watercolors, markers, and other art supplies

Pulling out my favorite travel tools of watercolors, pips crayola markers, and pencil. I find a comfy chair, settle my watercolor pad onto my lap and pull up tunes featuring acoustic guitar…and begin. I start by listening to a piece a couple of times and then with the markers in hand I lay down lines that are generated from different parts of the music, keeping the grasses in mind. Then I start the music over and pull up photographs taken of the grasses and start fleshing out the piece with watercolors based on the colors that I see in the marsh grass.

Photo of a painting of marshgrass
Photo of a painting of marshgrass
Photo of a painting of marshgrass

Marsh Grass Examples

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