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Proposed Updates to OCAG Bylaws

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Orange County Artists Guild Bylaws


  1. Vision

The Orange County Artists Guild is a non-profit, member-run organization of artists committed to fostering the visual arts in our community. We believe in strengthening the arts through creativity, collaboration, and inclusivity. We promote and respect creative expression in all forms. We raise awareness of the thriving local arts community and stimulate public engagement with, and appreciation of, the visual arts by providing member artists with opportunities to grow professionally. We engage the community and contribute to the vibrancy and economy of Orange County, North Carolina, through our events. We provide financial support to, and advocate for, other local arts organizations. We champion arts education and lifelong learning. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment with equitable treatment for all.


  1. Mission

The Orange County Artists Guild is an inclusive, non-profit, member-run organization of visual artists working:

  • To contribute to the vibrancy and economy of Orange County
  • To stimulate public engagement with, and appreciation of the visual arts
  • To assist members with professional development and to help members cultivate patronage for their art

The Orange County Artists Guild is committed to advancing diversity and equity within its membership.


  • Activities of the Orange County Artists Guild, hereinafter referred to as the Guild
    1. Conduct the annual Open Studio Tour.
    2. Conduct or participate in other shows available to the Guild.
    3. Maintain a list of members and their studios in Orange County.
    4. Foster members’ marketing and enhance their visibility.
    5. Maintain a comprehensive website.
    6. Foster communication between members.
    7. Collaborate with organizations and businesses to grow and enhance the arts community within Orange County.


  1. Work of the Guild

The majority of work required to operate the Guild and its activities will be conducted voluntarily by committees, ad hoc committees, or individual members. The Board may hire personnel to carry out administrative duties to support the work of the Board and the Guild.




  1. Membership
    1. Eligibility:
      1. Individuals who produce visual arts and fine crafts and have been juried into the Guild.
      2. Individuals who live in or maintain a studio within Orange County, NC.
      3. Commercial galleries or businesses are not eligible for membership.
        • A commercial space is defined as one in which non-members work and/or commercially produced work is sold for profit and has business hours that are open to the public.
      4. Members who maintain continuous membership do not need to be re-juried into the Guild.
      5. Current Members who were accepted under previous rules are grandfathered into the Guild.
      6. Members agree to abide by the Code of Conduct, the Grievance Procedure, and all rules accompanying participation in shows and events.
      7. The Board will review jurying guidelines annually.


  1. Fees:
    1. Annual dues shall be set on recommendation of the Board and approved by a membership vote.
    2. Membership dues and the payment of all other outstanding debts to the Guild are due on January 31 each year. A late fee will be charged for payments made after January 31. Late fees must be received by March 1 of each year.


  1. Termination of membership:
    1. Membership can be terminated at any point during the year under the following conditions:
      • If the member does not retain residency or a studio in Orange County, NC.
      • If the member fails to pay outstanding debts to the Guild by March 1 of each year.
      • If a majority vote of the Board determines the member is in violation of the Code of Conduct.
    2. No membership dues or fees will be refunded for termination of membership under the conditions stipulated in V.3.a.


  1. Leaves of Absences:
    1. Under extenuating circumstances, a member may request a Leave of Absence from the Board without a loss of membership status.
    2. The member will not be allowed to participate in Guild activities during the Leave of Absence, but the member’s profile will remain on the website.
    3. Requests:
      • Requests are subject to approval by a majority of the Board.
      • Requests must be made in writing to the Board prior to the start date of the requested Leave of Absence and must indicate a valid reason.
      • Valid requests are for extenuating life circumstances.
      • Requests to temporarily suspend membership because artists do not wish to participate in Guild activities that year are not valid and will be denied.
    4. Duration:
      • Leaves of Absences may be granted for up to 5 years. After 5 years, the member will need to reapply for membership.
      • Leaves of Absences may begin midyear during a calendar year and will terminate at the end of a calendar year.
    5. Membership dues and fees during approved Leaves of Absence:
      • If the Leave of Absence is submitted and approved before January 31, membership dues will be waived for that calendar year.
      • If the Leave of Absence is approved after January 31, membership dues will be prorated for the remainder of the calendar year.
      • If a member has already paid for Guild events before the Leave of Absence has been approved, in a given calendar year, the member will forfeit all paid participation fees.


  1. Meetings
    1. Membership meetings:
      1. Membership meetings will be held in person and/or via videoconferencing at least quarterly at a site within Orange County convenient to the membership.
      2. A quorum shall be 15 members in good standing present either in person or via videoconferencing.
    2. Board meetings:
      1. Board meetings will be held in person and/or via videoconferencing at least quarterly at a site convenient to the Board members.
      2. A quorum shall be 5 board members plus either the Chair or Vice-Chair.


  • Voting
    1. Voting rights are extended to members in good standing only.
    2. Each member shall have one vote on all matters presented to the membership.
    3. All matters brought for a vote in a membership meeting may be passed by a simple majority of those present, either in person or via videoconferencing.


  • Grievance Committee:
    1. Function & Responsibilities:
      1. The Grievance Committee will follow the Formal Grievance Procedures for Violations of Code of Conduct.
    2. Election & Composition:
      1. The Grievance Committee will be composed of 5 volunteer member artists who are selected at random by consensus of the Board.
      2. Grievance committee members will serve a term of 3 years.
      3. Committee hours will count towards a minimum of 4 hours of volunteer time in a given calendar year.


  1. Board
    1. Function & Responsibilities
      1. The Board is composed of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Tour Coordinator, Artists Liaison, Volunteer Coordinator, and two “At Large” members.
      2. The Board shall make policy decisions, plan and coordinate the activities of the Guild, and condense business to be presented to the membership.
      3. Each Board member shall have one vote on all matters presented to the Board.
      4. Board members must abide by the Code of Conduct.
      5. Any Board member who is unwilling or unable to fulfill the duties required of them will be subject to dismissal by a unanimous vote of the Board present at a Board meeting.
      6. The Board will not be paid for performing tasks that are part of their job description. However, while serving on the Board, Board members are eligible to have fees waived for one event each calendar year during their service.
    2. Election
      1. Board members are nominated by the Board and approved by a membership vote.
      2. Board vacanicies that occur between membership meetings shall be temporarily filled by an appointment of the Board until approved by a membership vote.
    3. Term Limits
      1. The length of Board terms should be staggered so that only half the positions are open in a given year.
      2. Board members will serve a term of two years.
      3. Any Board member may serve no more than 3 consecutive terms.
      4. After 3 years of consecutive non-service, a former Board member may be re-elected to the Board.
      5. Term limits for re-elected Board members follow those stipulated in IX.3.b. & IX.3.c.


  1. Rules that govern the Orange County Studio Tour, hereafter referred to as the Tour:
    1. Eligibility:
      1. Only current members may participate in the Tour.
      2. Tour participants must have a studio or home to exhibit within Orange County.
      3. Tour registration fees must be received by the deadline established by the Tour Coordinator and the Board each year.
      4. Tour registration deadlines will be communicated to membership at least one month in advance.
    2. Sharing spaces:
      1. Participants may share spaces with other participants. However, there are no discounts given. Each member in a shared space must pay the full tour registration fee, except as stipulated in X.2.b.
      2. Exception: Two artists who exclusively produce collaborative work may apply as one person for the Tour, subject to approval by the Board.
      3. Participants may not invite non-Guild artists to display work in their exhibit space during the Tour.
    3. Co-ops and co-working spaces:
      1. All Guild members in co-ops or co-working spaces who are not participating in the tour must agree to be closed during the Tour.
      2. Co-ops and co-working artists may not participate in the Tour collectively. Each individual artist must pay to participate, except as stipulated in X.2.b.
    4. Commercial spaces:
      1. Participating artists may not use a commercial space in any capacity as their Tour location.
      2. A commercial space is defined as one in which non-members work and/or commercially produced work is sold for profit and has business hours that are open to the public.
    5. Violations of the Rules that govern the Tour may be subject to disciplinary action by the Board that may include, but is not limited to, inability to participate in Guild activities for a specified amount of time and/or termination of membership.


  1. Amendments

The Bylaws may be adopted, amended, or repealed by a membership vote of attendees at a membership meeting. Changes to the Bylaws must be presented to the membership via email or via the website at least two weeks before the membership meeting.

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