Mitzie Jokich | Orange County Artists Guild Skip to content
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“Repurposing Art and Life”

My father’s gardens- a riot of color, texture & shapes from early Spring to late Fall. My grandmother who would go to fancy dress shops, look closely at her favorite, come home and devise a pattern to recreate the dress. The many beautiful Byzantine icons of my family's Eastern Orthodox church-- these scenes are all vivid when I close my eyes; they are the early inspirations of my work.

The day after college graduation, my car was rear ended by a truck, crushing my neck. My dreams of creating monumental sculptures were replaced by multiple fusions. More rear end collisions , more fusions, more physical limitations. Living with chronic pain for over 45 years has never stopped my artwork. Creating art helps me find new ways of getting through a day. My body may have ever-changing limitations but not my art. Perhaps that's why movement is key to my work.

Mixed media & found objects allow me to tell visual stories with depth rather than height. Using bits & pieces that were once important to someone else gives the items new. purpose and it gives me new stories to tell. Collecting these cast offs keeps them from going into the landfill.

I have also used all of the arts disciplines to teach my son and others who live with developmental disabilities.The arts provide a bridge to all learning where traditional methods fail. I create arts-based programs for teaching life skills & curricular objectives for students on the Spectrum, their families & their support staff. I believe art is the foundation for all learning. DISABILITIES ARE DISGUISED ABILITIES.

Since returning to Chapel Hill in 2003, I've taught private students and classes at the Carrboro Art Center, Orange County Schools EC program & summer program, Arc of the Triangle. I've also done staff development for NC Autism, Arc of the Triangle, TEACH-CH , Orange County Schools Exceptional Children's programs. Working with faculty, families, teaching artists , care givers and kids who look at the world in unique ways inspires me to be true to my own strengths and vision. Classes to learn life skills for neurodivergent kids available as well as found object workshops in our studio in the woods. All are welcome.

Studio visits by appointment!

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Mitzie Jokich
1016 Tallyho Trail
Chapel Hill
North Carolina

Artist Gallery

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